a little faith in humanity was restored 5 minutes ago.

So I’m sitting at my desk, and this eleven year old who I’ve never met before comes up to me and asks me if I want to open this piece of paper he has folded up. Now, I love kids, especially weird ones, so I’m obviously gonna open it. And more importantly, I LOVE TALKING to kids. Like, actually listening to them and not just brushing them off like a lot of adults too. So it was a picture of this like, trippy looking Sonic the Hedgehog crossed with a Cornish Pixie from Harry Potter. There were red flames surrounded by it, too. I’m just looking at it and laughing quietly to myself. So then the conversation went like this:

Me: (chuckling) “Are you trying to scare me? What is this?”
Kid: “It’s a Sonic…”(honestly had no idea what he said after that. It sounded complex. He’s probably a mini genius or something. It was like A Sonic X5e or something.) “It’s a character from my book.”
Me: “Your book? Are you writing a book?”
Kid: “Yeah. Well actually, I’m writing three.”
Me: (genuinely impressed and perplexed) “Three?!”

Then he explains which each one is about, which again sounded so complex. And then he just walks away; like he’s glad he let me know what he’s doing at 11, and he should be. If this kid is the future, I think we may be okay. Hopefully there are others like him, brainstorming books and just being AWESOME.